Introduction to Immunology:
Immunology is the branch of biology that deals with the study of immune system. It is the defence system of body in organisms with well developed organ system such as fishes, amphibians,
reptiles, Aves and mammals to protect themselves from various pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, parasitesHistory of Immunology :
In ancient times various people started to investigate on different types of diseases, reason for the causing of that particular disease, symptoms, nature of disease, external factors such as : (temperature, food habits, climate change etc..) and medication.
'Immunity' is a Latin word which means 'exempt or free from something'
5th century:
For the first time in 430 B.C reference on Immunology was written by "THUCYDIDES" belongs to country GREECE, he observed the patients who suffering from 'PLAGUE' disease which is a highly contagious, it w
10th century
Around 10th century Chinese people get rid of SMALLPOX by using the powder made from the dried crust of lesions of smallpox. The powder is either inhaled through nostrils or placed in the cuts of skin. This process is called VIROLATION
16th century:
In the year 1546 "GIROLAMO FRACASTO" collegu of "COPERNICUS" wrote about "CONTAGION" which may be a cause of disease
Orgin of vaccination
In the year 1798 EDWARD JENNER found a technique called VACCINATION.
This technique got revolution in the field of Immunology. Because of this contribution Jenner is called as "father of immunology". Jenner injected pus from the lesions of cow pox to a 8 years old boy named JAMES PHIPPS. That boy got prevented from the infection of smallpoxElie metehnikoff discovery
ELIL METEHNIKOFF russain scientist is well known to the world as FATHER OF NATURAL IMMUNITY and PROBIOTICS. ELIL METEHNIKOFF proposed the mechanism of CELL MEDIATED IMMUNITY and PHAGOCYTOSIS.
This is the process of Ingestion of pathogens entered into the body. Specificity of the phagocytes is as same as EMILY FISCHER LOCK AND KEY model. He also found PROBIOTICS. For his works he won Noble prize in 1908.
Contributions of Louis pasteur to Immunology
PASTEUR coined the term vaccine which is derived from a Latin word (vacca=cow), to respect the work of EDWARD JENNER on COWPOX
Louis pasteur started working on FOWL CHOLERA in chicken . He cultured bacteria which causes fowl cholera then he inoculated that bacterium to chicken. They got infected with cholera.After few months he injected the same bacteria, which had grown during the time of first inoculation. During the second inoculation after few months bacterium got weekend and birds not shown any symptoms of cholera. Pasteur observed that, chickens inoculated second time shown resistance to fowl cholera.
PASTEUR found that weekend strains of bacteria injected to birds helped them in growing resistance against disease. LOUIS PASTEUR named this technique as ATTENUATION. He called this type of VACCINES as ATTENUATED VACCINES
By the same process in 1881. he worked on ANTHRAX in sheep and get succeed. Here he weekend the BACILLUS ANTHRAXIS by heating
Louis pasteur successfully discovered the rabies vaccine. In the year 1885, Pasteur vaccinated a boy named JOSEPH MEISTER with attenueted rabies virus, that boy biten by rabies dog several times but not infected with RABIES
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